Where I'm going


What do you see when you stare at the mirror?

If you want me to tell you, you are

something so strangely beautiful

that it can even hurt the sight.

They ought to be green of envy

they ought to hide themselves in the sand

the day you learn how beautiful you are

then you will comprehend.


Where I'm going - does that matter?

I want you to be with me

Where will I be - well, I don't care

if you are with me, I don't care.


You are a man of vision and yet you think

you are not a good company to no-one.

If I could make you see the truth -

if I could make you see with my eyes

you would understand everything

and you'd see how life could be worthwhile.


Where I'm going is not the point

the point is that if you are with me or not

'cause if you are with me then I'm ready to kill or die

all would be worthwhile

if you were the one I could have to share my life.

