Camille and Berrini


They've been together for 6 years and 5 months, and they have plans to get married as soon as money comes in. They bought a apartment last week, and they were all jolly. "We're selling the lunch to buy the dinner, but the shelter is ours, and nobody else's!", Camille was telling to me and my Ludwig on the day they announced the news.

All the singles of my gang are jealous of Camille and Berrini's strong relationship. They share everything, they have absolutely no secrets between them. You see them together on the street - Camille with her long, "Indian like" jet-black hair down to the waist line, and Berrini, with his big chin and grinning all the way down to their new home - and you think, "that's a lovely couple". And you smile. 

They are not model-like beautiful, and none of them have a lot of money. Berrini's been unemployed for a good time - he even thought of leaving his girl to work at another city. She was straight at the point - "I am not leaving you. Wherever you go, I am just after you". When Berrini said she couldn't 'cause she still had to finish her her college course, she said, in her oh-so-famous blunt style: "Fuck the course and fuck the rest. You are all that matters for me."

In a country where the chances to get to a good college are so few, would you trade it all for love? She was willing to. Needless to say, Berrini stood at São Paulo. They have lived hand to mouth for months until he found another job, where he is nowadays.

I would love to be like Camille and Berrini. Ludwig and I are a kind of love that comes closer to what they feel. Between my guy and I there is love, but there is also a lot of (his) jealousy and (my) insecurity. We have time on our side, to one day be like Indian-looking Camille and her smiley Berrini

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