
I am a Beatlefan. Truly madly deeply a Beatlefan. I have almost all their records (including the three Anthology sets, Past Masters I and II - I just don't have the new Yellow Submarine). I have 3 T-shirts with their faces on it, and posters everywhere at my house. I know their discography back to front, the names of their kids and their wives. You notice that I said "Beatlefan", not "Beatlefreak". That means I still have some hold of my brain - for example, I listen to the Rolling Stones, and I even like some tunes! And I know the Beatles were men, not gods - they made mistakes, they used/use drugs, they cheated on their wives, they were weak at times. I am not blind at that. But the music they made from all of it makes me shiver everytime I listen to it.

The thing is, I was born in 1981 - one month after John Lennon's death. So I never actually followed any of their releases ( well, maybe at another life, but that's a subject for another essay ). Can you imagine how many times I've heard "oh, so you like those old guys!?". Grrrr! That makes my poor Brazilian blood boil to the point of evaporation.

There are times that I yell, "Yes I do and what the ******* hell you have to do with this?". Sometimes I keep myself quiet. But at all times I make it clear that nothing or no-one will change my mind about the Fabs. I understand that the world didn't stop after they called it quits, but please, may I have the bloody right of listening my favourite band, even if they were young 30 years ago, just because they make a good sound and I like the way they speak????PLEASE?!?!?!?!

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