Berrini and Camile exists, of course. They are my dudes. I changed their name to protect them.


The Family Rules


There stands Berrini and Camile by the wall

he's saying goodbye, but that's for now

tomorrow I bet he's back

to where she lives with her mum and sister

and all the friends -

The Family Rules


Me and Ludwig go there on odd Sundays

Mazz is there and so it Zac Jap

Louise and Nell are there and Lou brought the nephew

"Lads, shall we order a pizza?"

Either that or we walked to the deli

And there is always Berrini smiling.

Berrini always smile.


There stands Berrini and Camile by the wall

and I see they are waving goodbye.

Just for today, tomorrow will arrive.

We all had a tough childhood.

We all live hand to mouth.

We all had our lives ahead.

We all were left alone.

The Family Rules.

